Spark Your Confidence

Do you often second-guess your contributions in virtual settings, unsure if you’re making the impact you want?

Have you ever found yourself feeling invisible during virtual meetings, struggling to make your voice heard?

Imagine logging into your next virtual meeting feeling fully prepared, confident, and ready to shine—what would that transformation look like for you?

Over my career, I’ve coached countless people on their lack of confidence in meetings. And with the advent of more virtual meetings, many of us, including myself, feel especially vulnerable. It’s harder to read the room. There’s technology to master to engage with others. It can get a bit overwhelming. The methods that you relied on for those in-person meetings may feel inadequate in this virtual space.

How often do you wish you could translate your in-person meeting confidence to the virtual world, but find the digital divide too daunting?

What if mastering a few key strategies could dramatically boost your confidence and presence in every virtual meeting you attend?

The key is to remember that building confidence is a gradual process. Lean on tested strategies to give you that spark of confidence. Practice these strategies consistently, and over time, you’ll notice an improvement in how you show up in virtual meetings.

Here are those SPARK strategies.

Speak Clearly and Slowly: Practice speaking slowly and articulately and be mindful of your tone. When you speak slowly and clearly, your message comes across more effectively. Rushing through your words can make you appear less sure of yourself.

Pro Tip: PowerPoint  has a feature, Rehearse With Coach, that can be a game-changer in practicing speaking clearly and slowly.

Preparation is Key: Confidence often stems from feeling well-prepared. Before the meeting, thoroughly review the agenda, materials, and any relevant information. Anticipate questions that might arise for you and have answers ready. Think about questions you want to ask. Being well-prepared will make you feel more in control and capable during the meeting.

Pro Tip: Go analog – write down the anticipated questions and your answers. Then rewrite your answers in conversational tone (it helps to read aloud to adjust the tone). It’s not about memorizing answers; it’s about getting clear on your thoughts in the revisions.

Actively Participate: Active participation not only shows your engagement but also boosts your confidence. Share your ideas, ask thoughtful questions, and contribute to discussions. When you’re an active participant, you demonstrate your expertise and willingness to contribute, which in turn boosts your confidence.

Pro Tip: Get well-versed on the mechanics of the virtual meeting platform in advance. Know how to participate: chat, share reactions, etc.

Reflect the Part: While virtual meetings might be more casual in some cases, dressing professionally can have a positive impact on your confidence. When you look the part, you’re more likely to feel the part.

Pro Tip: Choose attire that makes you feel confident and capable.

Keep Strong Body Language: Just because you’re on a virtual platform doesn’t mean body language isn’t important. Sit up straight, maintain eye contact by looking into the camera, and avoid slouching. Good posture and engaged body language (smiles, nods, etc.) convey confidence to others, even in a virtual setting.

Pro Tip: Avoid the multi-tasking trap simply because you are virtual. Be present and engage throughout the meeting.

Bonus Tip:

Use Positive Self-Talk:

  • Replace self-doubt with statements that are closer to the truth.
  • Remind yourself of your achievements and capabilities. Better yet, write them down and keep them handy for review when the self-doubt is getting the best of you.

Positive self-talk can help shift your mindset and build your self-confidence over time. 

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